Guidelines for Enhancement of Societal Security Awareness

Chaudhary, S.; Pape, S.; Kompara, M.; Kavallieratos, G. and Gkioulos, V.

Technical Report Deliverable 3.19, CyberSec4Europe, 2022.


This report proposes a conceptual framework for the monitoring and evaluation of a cybersecurity awareness (CSA) program. In order to do so, it uses a nonsystematic or purposive literature review. Initially, it reviewed nine existing frameworks/models on CSA mainly to derive the skeleton (phases and sub-phases) of the framework. This is followed by a set of guidelines and practical advice in each phase and sub-phases of the framework that would be useful for the enhancement of a CSA program. The guidelines and advice on 'what to do in each phase' as well as 'what to expect in each phase' will be useful for CSA professionals, individuals, or organizations who intend to design a CSA program. In addition to this, the report also presents the evaluation criteria of two CSA mechanisms, which are posters and serious games.

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  author      = {Sunil Chaudhary and Sebastian Pape and Marko Kompara and Georgis Kavallieratos and Vasileios Gkioulos},
  title       = {Guidelines for Enhancement of Societal Security Awareness},
  institution = {CyberSec4Europe},
  year        = {2022},
  number      = {Deliverable 3.19},
  month       = {02},
  doi         = {X},
  keywords    = {privacy, security, CS4E, serious game, human factors},
  url         = {},