Education and Training
University Degrees
Thesis: "Requirements Engineering and Tool-Support for Security and Privacy"
Habilitation presentation: "Fairness im Maschinellen Lernen"
Advisors: Prof. Dr. Lutz Wegner (Interactive Systems and Database Group, University of Kassel, Germany), Prof. Dr. Jan Jürjens (Software Engineering for Critical Systems Group, Technical University Dortmund)
Thesis: "The Challenge of Authentication in Insecure Environments"
Advisors: Prof. Dr. Johannes Buchmann, Dr. Christoph Ludwig (Theoretical Computer Science - Cryptography and Computer Algebra Group, Technical University, Darmstadt)
Thesis: "Securitymodels for Ajtai-Dwork’s cryptosystem"
Advisors: Prof. Dr. Johannes Buchmann, Dr. Christoph Ludwig (Theoretical Computer Science - Cryptography and Computer Algebra Group, Technical University, Darmstadt)
Thesis: "Securitymodels for Ajtai-Dwork’s cryptosystem"
Training and Continuing Education
Topics covered: Security Engineering, Embedded Systems, Defense Strategy
The student has learned and sufficiently proven they are able to make effective use of security terminology and concepts, recognize security assets in a given target, rate attacks, list defense methods, identify and determine the relevance of components in an embedded system, evaluate the required security properties of an asset, and evaluate and mitigate the effects of modern threats.
The vendor-neutral CC credential starts newcomers on their path to advanced cybersecurity certifications and future leadership roles. It proves to organizations that newly certified team members understand fundamental security principles and operations, network security and access controls and that they have the skills to meet and exceed performance standards in their beginning roles. All this allows organizations to build a stronger line of defense.
The course is a joint project between Kassel University and Philipps-University Marburg. It is planned as basis for learning integrated with practice to strengthen key skills pertaining for research. The course includes seminars covering the following areas: developping and applying for a project, managing a project, presenting the results, organising a conference, transferring results to the industry. The aim is to provide the participants with skills for developping, applying for and managing projects. It ends with the internal assessment and the succesfull defense of a participant's project proposal.
Llukas is a modular continuing education certificate program of the didactics of higher education. The course is geared to national standards of continuing education concepts of the didactics of higher education. It provides an opportunity to develop and enrich competencies necessary for instructors at the higher education levels. At the same time, a proof of qualification is earned which certifies pedagogical-didactical competencies. The program includes seminars covering the following areas: teaching and learning, student advisement, testing and grading, evaluating, innovation development, key competencies for teachers, reflection and transfer. Traning includes the development of E-learning competencies which are incorperated across thematic areas.
The training includes 160 hours theory, 160 hours hands-on training at a hospital, 160 hours hands-on training on an ambulance, and a final course with examination lasting 40 hours. The theoretical part includes basic knowledge regarding anatomy and physiology, general matters and measures of emergency medicine, and special emergency profiency of important areas (e.g. internal medicine, surgery, neurology, psychiatry). Furthermore, the structure of the rescue service, legal and technical issues as well as hands-on exercises of emergency techniques are covered. The hand-on training in the hopital is done in the emergency ambulance, the intensive care unit, and anaesthesia. It teaches medical measures as preparing a fusion, assisting at an intubation, handling pharmaceuticals, and monitoring patients.