Invited Talks

10/2024 A Systematic Approach for Automotive Privacy Management: Enforcing Purpose Limitation for Connected Mobility, Bosch Privacy Summit, virtual.
05/2024 Security Engineering in the Automotive Supply Chain, Information and Communication Security: Infrastructures, Technologies and Business Models Guest Lecture, Goethe University Frankfurt
05/2024 Introduction to Privacy Engineering, PCSO Colloquium, Continental, Frankfurt
03/2024 Introduction to Privacy Engineering, Asia Product Cybersecurity & Privacy Summit 2024, Continental
12/2023 Security Engineering in the Automotive Supply Chain, Wirtschaftsinformatik II (PWIN) Guest Lecture, Goethe University Frankfurt
07/2023 Security Engineering in the Automotive Supply Chain, Mobile Business 2 Guest Lecture, Goethe University Frankfurt
09/2021 Keynote: Datenschutz und -sicherheit im Internet der Dinge, Informatik 2021, Workshop: Security, Datenschutz und Anonymisierung, virtual
08/2021 2108_Pape_Keynote_IFIPSC.pdf Keynote: Serious Games for Security and Privacy Awareness, IFIP Summerschool on Privacy & Identity Management 2021, Luxembourg/virtual
03/2021 2103_Pape_SECUSO.pdf Human Factors in Security Management, Social Engineering & Privacy Enhancing Technologies, SECUSO Research Seminar, KIT, Karlsruhe/virtual
11/2020 2011_Pape_EBDVF.pdf Risk Analysis of Inference Attacks on IoT Wearables, European Big Data Value Forum (EBDVF), Session "Privacy-preserving technologies - a key enabler of big data for AI", Berlin/virtual
01/2020 2001_Pape_CISaR.pdf CyberSec4Europe, Critical Infrastructure Security and Resilience (CISaR) Workshop, Gjøvik, Norway
09/2019 1909_Pape_TRANSFORM.pdf Privacy Skills Needed for the Future - Applying Privacy Patterns to the Internet of Things' (IoT) Architecture, TRANSFORM 2019 - Digital Skills for the Transformation of Disciplines, Business and Government, Bern, Switzerland
05/2019 1905_Pape_Karlstad.pdf PET Users’ Information Privacy Concerns, Kolloquium at Karlstad University, Karlstad, Sweden
10/2018 Social Engineering, Arbeitskreis Payment Fraud des Verbandes der Chemischen Industrie (VCI), Frankfurt
10/2018 1810_Pape_CAST_IoT.pdf Privacy Policies von IoT-Geräten, CAST-Workshop: Anonymes Shopping im Internet: SIOC - Selbstdatenschutz im Online-Commerce, Darmstadt
06/2018 1806_Pape_ESARA.pdf Risk Assessment von Smartphone Apps im Unternehmenskontext, GFFT-Technology Race IT-Security, Essen
05/2018 1805_Pape_VDI_Fachtagung.pdf Stand zur IT-Sicherheit deutscher Stromnetzbetreiber, VDI-Fachtagung IT-Sicherheit für kritische Infrastrukturen, Neuss
02/2018 Social Engineering: Introduction, Tools and Counteracting Training Strategies, NECS Winter School 2018, Trento, Italy
02/2018 Status zur IT-Sicherheit deutscher Stromnetzbetreiber, 43. Sitzung DKE/AK952.0.15 DKE-ETG-ITG Informationssicherheit in der Netz- und Stationsleittechnik, Frankfurt
12/2017 Serious Gaming: Wie das Kartenspiel HATCH für mehr Sicherheit sorgt, VDMA-Informationstag Cybersecurity & Informationssicherheit, Frankfurt
02/2017 HATCH: Hack And Trick Capricious Humans – A Serious Game on Social Engineering, CAST-Workshop "Usable Security", Darmstadt
11/2016 1611_Pape_DGRI.pdf Technische Bedingungen wirksamer Verschlüsselung,Deutsche Gesellschaft für Recht und Informatik e.V., DGRI Jahrestagung 2016: 40 Jahre DGRI!, Frankfurt
03/2016 1603_Pape+Wagner_AGAD_Sicherheit_IoT.pdf IT-Sicherheit (und Datenschutz) im Internet der Dinge, 7. ERFA-Runde Datenschutz und IT-Sicherheit, Arbeitgeberverband Großhandel, Außenhandel, Dienstleistungen e.V., Dortmund
03/2016 IT-Sicherheit spielend lernen: Ein Lernspiel zu Social Engineering, ASEW Arbeitskreis IT-Sicherheit , Cologne
11/2015 1511_Wagner+Pape_DAFTA_Sicherheit_IoT.pdf IT-Sicherheit (und Datenschutz) im Internet der Dinge (mit F. Wagner), 39. Datenschutzfachtagung (DAFTA), Cologne
02/2015   The Difficulty of Selecting a Secure Cloud Provider, Invited Talk, Goethe University Frankfurt, Frankfurt
08/2005 0508-slides-pape-ajtai_dwork+regev.pdf Gitterbasierte Kryptosysteme: Ajtai-Dwork und Regev, Invited Talk, HGI/RUB Bochum

Official Academic Presentations

04/2021 Datenschutz im Internet der Dinge, Antrittsvorlesung im Rahmen der Habilitation, Frankfurt
02/2021 2102_Pape_Habilvortrag.pdf Fairness im Maschinellen Lernen, Habilitationsvortrag, Frankfurt
09/2013 1309_Pape_Disputation.pdf The Challenge of Authentication in Insecure Environments , Disputation, Kassel

Conference and Workshop Talks

12/2023 A Systematic Approach for Automotive Privacy Management, 7th ACM Computer Science in Cars Symposium (CSCS), Darmstadt, Germany
06/2022 PHK21ifipsec-slides.pdf A Privacy Calculus Model for Contact Tracing Apps: Analyzing the German Corona-Warn-App, 37th IFIP TC 11 International Conference, SEC 2022, Copenhagen, Denmark, hybrid.
06/2021 PHK21ifipsec-slides.pdf Privacy Concerns Go Hand in Hand with Lack of Knowledge: The Case of the German Corona-Warn-App, 36th IFIP TC 11 International Conference, SEC 2021, Oslo, Norway, virtual.
09/2020 PGQB20mstec-slides.pdf Conceptualization of a CyberSecurity Awareness Quiz, 2nd Model-Driven Simulation and Training Environments for Cybersecurity (MSTEC), co-located with the The European Symposium on Research in Computer Security (ESORICS), Guildford, United Kingdom
07/2020 Requirements Engineering in Security and Privacy, Colloquium presentation, Institute of Computer Science, Goethe University, Frankfurt, Germany
03/2020 2003_PSKS_ICCIP.pdf On the Use of Information Security Management Systems by German Energy Providers, Fourteenth IFIP Working Group 11.10 International Conference on Critical Infrastructure Protection (ICCIP), Arlington, Virginia, USA
11/2019 1911_Pape_Dagstuhl.pdf Relation of Business Models to Security (Failures), Dagstuhl Seminar 19451, Biggest Failures in Security, Germany
09/2019 PS19spose-slides.pdf An Insight into Decisive Factors in Cloud Provider Selection with a Focus on Security, ESORICS 2019 International Workshops, SPOSE 2019, Luxemburg
09/2018 HP18ifipsec-slides.pdf JonDonym Users' Information Privacy Concerns., ICT Systems Security and Privacy Protection - 33rd IFIP TC 11 International Conference, SEC 2018, Held at the 24th IFIP World Computer Congress, WCC 2018, Poznan, Poland
09/2018 PTKSP18ifipsec-slides.pdf Assessing Privacy Policies of Internet of Things Services., ICT Systems Security and Privacy Protection - 33rd IFIP TC 11 International Conference, SEC 2018, Held at the 24th IFIP World Computer Congress, WCC 2018, Poznan, Poland
04/2018 PTBGLR18sicherheit-slides.pdf Anreize und Hemmnisse für die Implementierung von Privacy-Enhancing Technologies im Unternehmenskontext., Sicherheit 2018, 9. Jahrestagung des Fachbereichs Sicherheit der Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V. (GI), Konstanz, Germany
04/2018 PTBGLR18sicherheit-slides.pdf Towards an Architecture for Pseudonymous E-Commerce -- Applying Privacy by Design to Online Shopping, Sicherheit 2018, 9. Jahrestagung des Fachbereichs Sicherheit der Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V. (GI), Konstanz, Germany
10/2017 HATCH – eine Juristische Bewertung: Hürden beim Einsatz von Serious Games zu Social Engineering (with D. Kipker), ITS|KRITIS Jahreskongress 2017, Berlin, Germany
08/2017 BSPS17trustbus-slides.pdf A Structured Comparison of Social Engineering Intelligence Gathering Tools, Trust, Privacy and Security in Digital Business (TrustBus 2017), Lyon, France
03/2017   Privacy Hacking / SE with QR-Codes, m-chair workshop, internal research workshop, Frankfurt
03/2017 1703_P_Vorstellung_GI-FG-PET.pdf Vorstellung der GI Fachgruppe Privacy Enhancing Technologies (PET), Workshop der Fachgruppen SECMGT und PET: EU-DSGVO - "Wie sicher ist der neue Datenschutz?", Frankfurt, Germany
03/2017 Offer for participation: Privacy Hacking / SE with QR-Codes, 6th Privacy Enhancing Techniques Convention (PET-CON 2017.1) , Frankfurt, Germany
03/2017 Why Open Data May Threaten Your Privacy, 6th Privacy Enhancing Techniques Convention (PET-CON 2017.1) , Frankfurt, Germany
02/2017 BFGP17CreaRE-slides.pdf Creativity Techniques for Social Engineering Threat Elicitation: A Controlled Experiment (with E. Groen), CreaRE: Sixth International Workshop on Creativity in Requirements Engineering, Essen, Germany
09/2016   Relation of Mood and Social Engineering, m-chair workshop, internal research workshop, Frankfurt
06/2016 1606_Pape_ITSKRITIS_Social_Engineering.pdf Workshop: HATCH -- Ein Lernspiel zu Social Engineering, 2. Jahreskonferenz des Förderschwerpunkts "IT-Sicherheit für Kritische Infrastrukturen" (ITS KRITIS), Bremen, Germany
05/2016 PFBJ16icse-slides.pdf STAGE -- A Software Tool for Automatic Grading of Testing Exercises -- Case Study Paper, 38th International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE 2016), Austin, TX, USA
04/2016 SIOC16moppa-slides.pdf Selbstdatenschutz im Online-Commerce (SIOC), Projektvorstellung, MoPPa Workshop, Darmstadt
03/2016   Interpreting Self-Assessments of Cloud Service Providers, m-chair workshop, internal research workshop, Frankfurt
09/2015 PST15prinf-slides.pdf Why Open Data May Threaten Your Privacy, Workshop on Privacy and Inference (PRINF), co-located with KI, Dresden
09/2015   A Serious Game on Social Engineering, m-chair workshop, internal research workshop, Oberelsbach
12/2014   Comparison of Cloud Provider Security, Socio-Technical Security Metrics (Dagstuhl Seminar 14491), Dagstuhl
03/2014 1309-slides-introduction_workshop.pdf Sample or Random Security – A Security Model for Segment-Based Visual Encryption, Financial Cryptography and Data Security 2014, Barbados
09/2013 1309-slides-introduction_workshop.pdf Begrüssung und Einführung in den Workshop , "Der Mensch im Fokus: Möglichkeiten der Selbstkontrolle von Datenschutz und Datensicherheit durch den Anwender", Informatik 2013, Koblenz
03/2013 /1303_BMPPD_cloud-battlefield.pdf Defining the Cloud Battlefield - Supporting Security Assessments by Cloud Customers , 24. Kolleg Sicherheit, Forschungsseminar, Dortmund
03/2012   Reusing keys in visual cryptography, 22. Kolleg Sicherheit, Forschungsseminar, Dortmund
03/2012   Sample or Random Security, LS14 Workshop, internal Research Workshop, Essen
10/2011   UMLsec: Secure Links Revisited, LS14 Workshop, internal Research Workshop, Essen
03/2011   Human Decipherable Encryption, LS14 Workshop, internal Research Workshop, Essen
03/2009 0903-slides-pape-dice_coding_otp.pdf Some Observations on Reusing One-Time Pads within Dice Codings, PET-CON 2009.1, Dresden
03/2009 0903-slides-pape-dice_coding_otp.pdf Some Observations on Reusing One-Time Pads within Dice Codings, 10. Kryptotag, Berlin
09/2008 0809-slides-pape-a_survey_on_untransferable_anonymous_credentials.pdf A Survey on Untransferable Anonymous Credentials, The Future of Identity in the Information Society, 3rd international Summer School, organized by IFIP WG 9.2, 9.6/11.7, 11.6 and FIDIS Network of Excellence, Brno, Czech Republic
07/2008 0807-slides-pape-templateless.pdf Templateless Biometric-Enforced Non-Transferability of Anonymous Credentials, 2. Kryptowochenende, Tabarz
02/2008   Embedding Biometric Information into Anonymous Credentials, PET-CON 2008.1, Aachen
08/2007   Using Identity-Based Public-Key Cryptography with Images to Preserve Privacy, The Future of Identity in the Information Society, 3rd international Summer School, organized by IFIP WG 9.2, 9.6/11.7, 11.6 and FIDIS Network of Excellence, Karlstad
04/2004   Single Display Gaming: Examining Collaborative Games for Multi-User Tabletops, Workshop "Gaming Applications in Pervasive Computing Environments", PERVASIVE 2004, the 2nd International Conference on Pervasive Computing, Wien

Dagstuhl participations

06/2023 23242 Privacy Protection of Automated and Self-Driving Vehicles
11/2019 19451 Biggest Failures in Security
11/2016 16461 Assessing ICT Security Risks in Socio-Technical Systems
11/2014 14491 Socio-Technical Security Metrics
12/2011 11492 Secure Architectures in the Cloud

Panel Discussions

03/2022 Forschung à la carte, Sichere digitale Identitäten – zentraler Schlüssel für die digitale Zukunft: Wie steht es um die Entwicklung von eID und ID-Wallet?. Virtuelles Lunchtime Meeting organisiert von der Maercator Stiftung. Moderator: Jan-Martin Wiarda; Participants: Isabel Skierka, Daniela Pöhn, Sebastan Pape.
10/2021 EU’s cybersecurity strategies, Data Dilemmas: Dealing with data and investigating the consequences, Arena for Journalism in Europe. Moderator: Łukasz Krol; Participants: Laurens Cerulus, Carola Frediani, Sebastan Pape.
07/2020 Research Perspectives on Lightweight Security Risk Assessments, SecurityCompass Webinar. Moderator: Altaz Valani; Participants: Christopher Schmitz, Sebastian Pape, Simone Curzi, Hasan Yasar
10/2017 Online-Tracking: Lösungen für mehr Transparenz und besseren Schutz, Workshop der GI-Fachgruppen PET und ECOM in Kooperation mit CRISP. Moderator: Delphine Reinhard, Sebastian Pape; Participants: Peter Buxmann, Lars Konzelmann, Christian Bennefeld, Judith Nink, Dominik Herrmann
09/2009 Datenschutz als Luxusgut: Wer soll das bezahlen?, Workshop der GI-Fachgruppen KRYPTO, PET, SIDAR auf der Informatik 2009: "Sicherer Umgang mit sensiblen Daten - technische Prävention und Reaktionen auf Datenschutzverletzungen". Moderator: Marit Hansen; Participants: Dominik Birk, Ulrich Greveler, Sebastian Pape, Klaus Pommerening, Stefan Weiss