Investigating User Intention to Use a Privacy Sensitive Information Detection Tool

Bracamonte, V.; Pape, S. and Kiyomoto, S.

, 2021


Privacy sensitive information (PSI) detection tools have the potential to help users protect their privacy when posting information online, i.e. they can identify when a social media post contains information that users could later regret sharing. However, although users consider this type of tools useful, previous research indicates that the intention of using them is not very high. In this paper, we conduct a user survey (n=147) to investigate the factors that influence the intention to use a PSI detection tool. The results of a logistic regression analysis indicate a positive association of intention to use a PSI detection tool with performance expectation, social influence, and perception of accuracy of the tool. In addition, intention is negatively associated with privacy concerns related to the tool itself and with the participants' self-perceived ability to protect their own privacy. On the other hand, we did not find significant association with the participants' demographic characteristics or social media posting experience. We discuss these findings in the context of the design and development of PSI detection tools.

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  author    = {Vanessa Bracamonte and Sebastian Pape and Shinsaku Kiyomoto},
  title     = {Investigating User Intention to Use a Privacy Sensitive Information Detection Tool},
  month     = {01},
  year      = {2021},
  booktitle = {Symposium on Cryptography and Information Security (SCIS)},
  doi       = {X},
  keywords  = {privacy, machine learning},