Using Identity-Based Public-Key Cryptography with Images to Preserve Privacy

Pape, S. and Benamar, N.

In The Future of Identity in the Information Society, pages 299-310, Springer Boston, IFIP International Federation for Information Processing 262, 2008.


We propose a public-key signature and encryption application which strongly relies on identity-based public-key cryptography. By alternately using obvious identity information like names and essential image data of the involved parties as public keys we preserve all advantages gained by identity-based public-key schemes, mainly including the absence of a public-key infrastructure. On the other hand, all parties obtain only obvious and necessary information about other involved parties.



  author      = {Sebastian Pape and Nabil Benamar},
  title       = {Using Identity-Based Public-Key Cryptography with Images to Preserve Privacy},
  booktitle   = {The Future of Identity in the Information Society},
  publisher   = {Springer Boston},
  year        = {2008},
  editor      = {Fischer-H{\"u}bner, Simone and Duquenoy, Penny and Zuccato, Albin and Martucci, Leonardo},
  volume      = {262},
  series      = {IFIP International Federation for Information Processing},
  pages       = {299-310},
  month       = {08},
  affiliation = {University of Kassel Databases and Interactive Systems Research Group 34121 Kassel Germany},
  doi         = {10.1007/978-0-387-79026-8_21},
  keywords    = {crypto, privacy},
  url         = {},